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Streaks of Blue

“I’m not sure I’m ready for this,” Fang said.


“You’ve been training your entire life to take the throne. It’s beast tribe tradition to fight your siblings before the king. Besides, I know you can do it.” The attendant moved about the room, dressing Fang in ceremonial combat attire.


“Thank you, Storm. I will keep your words to heart as I battle.”


Storm tied a necklace of dragon teeth to Fang’s neck before stepping back. “There. Perfect.”


The chest plate and armguards made of a thick, hard wood were decorated with various symbols representing strength, luck, and willpower. Her powerful, canine-like legs were given a full range of motion with only a loincloth worn on her lower half. Her fuzzy body was decorated with blue paint. One of her ears twitched, causing her golden earring to swing back and forth.


Fang reached to the side, taking a polearm from the wall of weaponry. It was tall, slender, and graceful like its wielder. The axe shaped metal tip gleamed in the torchlight.


Fang took a deep breath. “Alright. Let’s go.”


She stepped through the door, letting out a loud creak as she entered the open-air arena. Opposite to her, Fang’s older brother, Claw, entered through another door. His features and garb reflected her own. His tail swished to one side as the grip on his weapon tightened. The two exchanged a look across the battlefield before the king spoke...

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